• olivesandpoppies@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    It’s different if it’s like a “haven’t run since I was really thin” , or “haven’t run in ___ years” but i remember following her after my kid was born (saw a mag cover in my ob’s office with her on it) and reading that she lost 100LBS. It actually catapulted my weight loss after my birth (in a bad, obsessive way- don’t worry I’m “very fluffy” now hahaha). I would have to go way back but I read about her exercising hard 30-45 min each day and it was running a lot. So that’s what I did too.Running and races are awesome and really something to celebrate, but saying you’ve never run is just weird. It’s also way harder when you get into perimenopause age to recover, and our joints are sore, and it’s harder to lose weight or maintain weight loss, but that’s just aging. People should definitely be celebrated for physical achievements, if they are able to do so, just as academic achievements. But when you document everything online (races also post rosters and times etc) it’s like not the Mandela effect. She was an avid runner.

    • FraudulentFruit1@lemmy.caOP
      4 months ago

      She’s an Avid Liar 🤥. The picture of the HuffPost was in regards to her intial weight loss where she says she started off by running 5 days a week.

      • MoonChild@lemmy.caM
        4 months ago

        She’s completely wiped the fact she was a runner out of her backstory except she hasn’t purged the evidence from her IG which is completely bonkers! I also can’t stand exercise and working out referred to as moving my body or joyful movement. It’s insane. Why is exercise bad? Everything on this earth needs to be done in moderation. We now know she lost 100 lbs because she starved herself and exercised to the extreme. She’s said, publicly, she’s never received any professional help to overcome the choices she’s made but says she finds going to the gym triggering. It’s all these little things that are huge when they’re added together. She’s running a con.