State 9 of 50

Glad to be back to a state with multiple rescues, and today’s seems to be open to the public year round. I like recommending places you guys can go see. Some are just too small and can’t handle visitors, especially with avian flu going around, but those places still need support too.

I picked this guy today since he looked liked he was giving himself a hug. It was a tough choice since they have a good website and Facebook. It was either this guy or a very scruffy in a good way looking screech owl, but I feel I’ve already posted a bunch of them. The non-tufted guys need faster representation as well!

From the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey

Meet patient number 573. 573 is a male Barred Owl admitted in mid-July due to a car strike. This young Barred Owl had a fractured ulna and a number of interesting parasites found in his fecal test. His intake notes read “bird is very spunky” and it might be that spunk that has gotten 573 through the worst of his injuries. His parasites have been resolved and he is eating on his own. He still has a ways to go to regain full flight from his fracture, but we’re all rooting for him! Slowing down while driving at night near wooded areas can help keep owls safe from car strikes and keep these beautiful birds in the wild where they belong.