There are a few subreddits I check out from time to time because Lemmy doesn’t have the volume of users required to keep those niche conversations active.

Wow, what a pain! There’s so much hostility and byzantine rules. It’s just not worth it.

  • @willyaA
    131 month ago

    You’ve been here 9 months and haven’t witnessed it here?

      • @willyaA
        21 month ago

        Haven’t dealt with it so wouldn’t have a clue.

    • @[email protected]OP
      121 month ago

      I’m not talking about users who make crazy comments. I’m talking about how I made a legitimate, on-topic, non-controversial post in good faith and it got removed with no explanation. Then when I followed the sub’s instructions about how to ask why my post disappeared, the mod replied with a bunch of passive aggressive snarky shit and muted me.

      • @willyaA
        11 month ago

        Yeah pretty ridiculous… which subreddit and about what?

      • @willyaA
        11 month ago

        Wasn’t comparing it. I was really stating that humans are toxic… especially when anonymous and I’ve seen/witnessed plenty of it on here. I’ve even been an asshole quite a few times. There’s a lot of good moderation that may be hiding it from you. Especially on world.