Embracer has made a new round of layoffs, this time at Mythforce developer Beamdog less than 18 months after its acquisition.

Beamdog was acquired by Aspyr in April last year, whose parent company is Embracer.

Now 26 employees have been laid off, according to multiple LinkedIn posts and reported by GameDeveloper.

    -199 months ago

    Good lay them all off the current generation of game devs haven’t an ounce of artistic integrity anymore its just profit profit profit.

    • all-knight-party
      119 months ago

      You know Beamdog did all the old the BioWare Enhanced Editions that are pretty well done. Those guys definitely have a reverence for those old games and aren’t just some cookie cutter studio putting out mobile shovelware. Those are real people with passion and families to feed, try not to be so harsh as to say “lay them all off”

      • @SYNOPSIS
        -149 months ago

        Never heard of them specifically thats why I say all and have no qualms with their studio either but id fling em head first into the woodchuck if it meant getting some actual original new titles worthy of critical acclaim.

        • Ech
          49 months ago

          Are you under the impression that Embracer is doing this for the sake of “artistic integrity”?

            • Ech
              59 months ago

              So you’re just cheering on blatant capitalistic bullshit because of your presumption of other “capitalistic” offense of a developer you know nothing about?

              • @SYNOPSIS
                -59 months ago

                No the gaming industry has been run into the ground by greed i dont give a fuck about any devs or any studio theyre all to blame so stir the pot I say fire them all and replace them with AI wouldnt be any less soulless.